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Low-hanging Fruit SEO – Master the Best Keyword Strategy

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TrioSEO - Connor Gillivan

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In SEO, everyone talks about “low-hanging fruit,” but what does that mean? Here, a well-planned keyword strategy serves as a reliable compass, steering you toward better rankings in search results. 

But as the SEO landscape becomes increasingly competitive, it demands a more astute approach to choosing the paths that can lead to success— precisely where this strategy comes to the rescue.

Join us as we discuss tailored strategies, handy tips, and insightful expertise that will sculpt your keyword strategy.

What is Low-hanging Fruit SEO?

Think about an apple tree laden with fruitful branches – some fruits are out of reach; they require special equipment or excessive effort to pluck. Then you notice apples hanging low enough to stretch an arm and collect them. In this scenario, ‘low-hanging fruit’ refers to those near-at-hand opportunities that involve minimal effort but yield significant rewards.

In terms of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), these “fruits” translate to keywords – phrases and words that are relatively easy to rank for in search engine results. They may not have astronomical search volumes like broad keywords; however, they often present lower competition levels.

The crux of a low-hanging fruit SEO strategy lies in recognizing and strategically capitalizing on less obvious yet rewarding opportunities that your competitors might overlook. Mastering this approach gives you the advantage of capturing more organic traffic and turning readers into returning customers.

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What is an Example of a Low-Hanging Fruit in SEO?

When diving into the world of SEO, getting swamped by high-competition keywords is straightforward. Therefore, looking for low-hanging fruit can be a real game changer. Let’s illustrate this tactic through an example.

Suppose your website sells custom-made teddy bears. You would instinctively want to rank for the primary keyword, ‘custom teddy bear.’ However, this keyword will likely have high competition as it’s broad and generic. In this context, it represents the top fruits on the tree – both enticing and challenging to reach.

Low-hanging fruit involves targeting more specific, less competitive keywords that are easier to rank for. Instead of vying for a “custom teddy bear,” you might aim for long tail variants like:

  • “handmade teddy bears with personal name tag”
  • “bespoke pink teddy bear for baby showers”
  • or even ”personalized teddy bear gift sets”

All three examples represent SEO low-hanging fruit and possess qualities defining a good, viable target: relevance to your business, reasonable search volume (signifying that people are looking for these products), and significantly less competition than their short-tail counterparts.

Undoubtedly, each keyword yields fewer searches than ‘custom teddy bear.’ 

Still, when combined, they amount to substantial traffic that’s highly targeted and, therefore, more likely to convert into leads or sales.

Identifying and using low-hanging fruit keywords is like acquiring the perfect secret ingredient to spice up your SEO strategy. Incorporating these easily accessible yet powerful keywords helps you establish a stronghold in niches with less competition, setting a stable groundwork before you take on more competitive terms.

But leveraging this strategy doesn’t mean we sideline broader phrases indefinitely. It’s about recognizing the wisdom in starting small, where you can secure quick wins and steadily build momentum. This way, you gradually enhance your standings, making higher rankings a realistic goal. It’s about playing it smart, taking calculated steps, and growing your online presence organically and sustainably.

TrioSEO - Low Hanging Fruit SEO - What is an Example of a Low-Hanging Fruit in SEO

Benefits of Focusing on Low-Hanging Fruit Keywords

Here’s why directing your focus toward low-hanging fruit keywords is wise:

Quick SEO Gains

One of the standout benefits of this strategy is faster rankings. Opting for less competitive terms seems like a small stride, but it propels you forward faster than battling it out in highly competitive spaces. These incremental gains can pave the way for substantial traffic, a result that is nothing short of a marketer’s dream.

Less Competitive Terrain

SEO is primarily focused on rising above your competition. Starting in areas with less competition gives you the room to expand and thrive without being overshadowed by the dominant players in your industry.

Serving Niche Audiences

Low-hanging fruit keywords, usually long-tail and highly specific, effectively cater to niche user queries. This indicates that potential visitors are closer to taking desired actions like downloading, purchasing, or signing up.


An effective low-hanging fruit SEO strategy can be a cost-efficient approach. Instead of allocating a large budget to compete for high-volume keywords, organizations can focus on content marketing campaigns that target easily attainable keywords with decent traffic. 

By honing in on these opportunities, like a gardener selecting ripe apples, you’ll see how small changes can substantially improve your site’s performance. Remember to leverage these opportunities to reap quick wins.

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TrioSEO - Low Hanging Fruit SEO - Benefits of Focusing on Low-Hanging Fruit Keywords

Low-hanging Fruit SEO Keyword Research

One essential aspect of SEO is finding low-hanging fruit keywords, so let’s look at how to perform keyword research and uncover some hidden gems.

Targeting Long Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords refer to longer, more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they are closer to making a buying decision or click-through. 

Understanding and prioritizing long-tail keywords can be an easy way for your content marketing strategy to gain early wins in terms of organic traffic. 

However, don’t just select any long-tail keyword. 


  1. Identify those relevant to your niche or industry
  2. Choose ones with decent search volume
  3. Settle on phrases that provide insight into the user’s intent

By doing this, you’re boosting your chances of ranking well and attracting highly targeted traffic—visitors who are more likely to turn into leads or customers.

Want to learn more? Check out: Long Tail Keywords vs. Short Tail

Finding Low-Competition High-Volume Keywords

Uncovering low-competition/high-volume keywords is akin to striking gold in the SEO world – low-hanging fruit just ripe for the picking! These diamonds in the rough are search terms with a high monthly search volume yet few competing websites.

Keyword research tools such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz Keyword Explorer, Google Trends, and Google’s own Keyword Planner tool can help identify these magic unicorns among the plethora of mundane horses.

Remember that balance is essential here: while finding a high-volume keyword with low competition might feel like hitting the jackpot, ensure it still aligns with your business goals and audience needs. Relevance should always give way to metrics.

TrioSEO - Low Hanging Fruit SEO - Low-hanging Fruit SEO Keyword Research

Staying Away From Short Tail Keywords

Short-tail keywords may seem alluring due to their vast search volume, but they’re usually not the best option because the terms are highly competitive. 

Additionally, short-tail keywords are often less specific than long-tail keyword alternatives. As a result, they may attract traffic from audiences unrelated to your services or products—leaving you with high bounce rates and low conversion rates.

Instead of shooting for elusive and crowded short-tail keywords, we recommend focusing on the myriad lower-competition, tellingly targeted long-tail variations – the true heroes of any successful strategy! Remember that high-quality organic traffic from relevant users is ultimately the end goal.


Let’s underline its benefits as we conclude our chat on low-hanging fruit SEO. This approach encourages firms to tap into low-competition, high-volume keywords, steering clear of less beneficial short-tail keywords. It’s not about passivity; it’s a strategic pathway to enhance digital presence through optimal resource allocation.

Small and medium-sized businesses find this incredibly lucrative, seizing opportunities big players overlook by focusing on long-tail keywords. It avoids fierce competition and appeals to Google’s preference for topical relevancy.

Harnessing the potential of low-hanging fruit SEO can significantly elevate your brand. Remember, SEO is dynamic; staying adaptable and spotting underutilized keywords can give you a competitive advantage.

TrioSEO - Connor Gillivan

Want more traffic and leads? Turn your website into a traffic generation hub. Get started and we’ll conduct a free SEO audit to see if working together is a good fit. 

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Steven is the Co-founder & CEO of TrioSEO. His background is in large-scale blogging where he co-owned 40 websites and helped grow the portfolio to 7-figures within 3 years. Follow him on LinkedIn for daily SEO tips, tricks, and strategies.

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