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How Does Blogging Help SEO? – Quick Answer & 12 Benefits

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Have you ever heard the saying ‘Content is king’ and wondered if blog content can truly strengthen your SEO?

Spoiler alert, blogging is a game-changer in today’s digital landscape. But how so? More specifically: Does blogging help SEO? 

As experienced content creators, we can confidently say yes. 

Stay tuned as we dive into the nitty-gritty of boosting your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) through strategic blogging, outlining direct and indirect benefits while sharing practical tips to optimize your posts – all under one guide!

What is Blogging and How Does it Help SEO?

Blogging refers to writing online articles (or posts) on specific topics hosted on your website. 

But here lies the question: How does this tie into SEO?

Believe it or not, there are 4 primary ways blogging helps SEO:

  1. First, engaging blogs encourage users to stay longer on your website, which communicates positive engagement metrics to search engines like Google. High-quality blog content can translate into low bounce rates alongside high session durations; both signal that users are finding value in your site.
  2. Secondly, optimized blog posts help search engines learn about your site. By strategically using keywords about your niche within these blogs, you increase your chances of ranking for specific phrases.
  3. Thirdly, more content means more chances to index pages, which feeds the voracious appetite that search engines have for new information.
  4. Lastly, blogs create opportunities for backlinks (when other sites link back to yours). Quality backlinks signal authority on given topics, hence improving ranking potential significantly.

In essence, SEO is magnified by regularly publishing. 

Person blogging on computer, increasing website traffic and improving search engine rankings with SEO techniques.

Direct Benefits of Blogging for SEO

Blogging has many direct benefits in improving Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

Let’s outline these advantages one by one.

1. Increased Visibility

The first and arguably most essential benefit is the increased visibility of blogging. 

By consistently posting articles on your site, search engines understand that your website is active, indexing it more frequently. 

The principle behind this is simple: the more you provide material for Google to index, the better your chances of appearing in search results.

2. You’ll Rank for Specific Keywords

Another advantage blogging for SEO brings is the opportunity to rank higher for specific keywords. 

Crafting blogs around specific keywords improves rankings for those terms relatively easily. If done correctly, strategically placing keywords within meaningful content can prove extraordinarily useful in driving traffic.

3. You Have More Indexed Pages

Quality blog posts translate into more indexed pages on search engines like Google. 

An increase in indexed pages goes hand in hand with improved chances of being discovered since each page represents an entry point on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

4. Blogs Make it Easier to Acquire Backlinks

High-quality blogs often attract other online authors, which creates opportunities to acquire backlinks naturally. 

When these authors find your content valuable and relevant, they will likely refer or link back from their sites.

5. Blogs Improve Internal Linking

Internal linking also becomes more manageable with a robust strategy. With numerous blogs at your fingertips, you can create purposeful links between related articles that guide visitors (and search engines) through your site’s architecture.

6. Google Likes Fresh Content

Google appreciates fresh and updated content, boosting organic rankings over time. As algorithms favor new information, there’s no denying the value when asking, “Does blogging help SEO?” The answer remains yes!

7. Blogs Improve User Experience

Last but certainly not least- high-quality content that educates or entertains users enhances their overall experience on your website, indirectly leading to stronger SEO. 

Enhancing UX often motivates first-time visitors into returning ones and extends average session durations — both influential factors in SERPs.

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Indirect Benefits of Blogging for SEO

Now that we’ve covered direct ways blogging benefits SEO let’s delve into some indirect ways. 

These are not immediately traceable to your blog but significantly boost overall site performance.

1. Blogs Help Build Authority

The first significant benefit is the authority-building aspect of blogging

Regularly publishing helpful and informative content allows you to demonstrate industry knowledge, establishing yourself as an expert in your field. Building authority has profound implications for trust and credibility with search engines and users. 

According to Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines, demonstrating a high level of experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) is critical to achieving good rankings across all YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) topics— a testament that ‘authority’ is more than mere web jargon.

2. Blogs Add Valuable Content to Your Site

Publishing in-depth articles also displays website depth around a specific topic—a metric not lost on SEO algorithms. An extensive library of related blog posts shows a wealth of information available for visitors, equating to longer average stay times and lower bounce rates—all positive indicators from an SEO perspective.

3. You Can Answer Your Customers’ Questions

Effective blogging can also serve as an efficient customer service tool, enabling businesses to preemptively address common questions through their posts. 

If you notice recurring questions from your customers or prospects — why not draft an insightful article detailing the answers? 

This provides relevant resources for them and shows search engines like Google that you’re providing valuable content, indirectly benefiting your site’s SEO.

4. Blogs Improve Your Social Media Efforts

The interconnected nature of online marketing means the rewards of blogging extend beyond typical SEO parameters — reaping dividends within social media promotion too! 

By leveraging blogs within social media, you can subtly drive engagement while simultaneously building backlinks— working wonders for organic search scores over time.

5. More Blog Posts = More Traffic!

The culmination of these indirect benefits inevitably results in more site traffic—the principal ingredient necessary for successful conversions, be they subscribership targets, sales calls-to-action, or any other conversion goal on your radar. 

Graph showing increase in website traffic after starting blogging with SEO strategies

How to Write SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

Blogging for SEO is an effective strategy involving more than just blog posts. Proper optimization is crucial in improving your site’s rankings. 

Here are some strategies on how you can optimize your blogs for SEO.

1. Write About Topics People Are Searching For

First, writing about topics people are searching for is essential. 

Keyword research tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs can help identify high-volume queries relevant to your industry or niche. These keywords act as a roadmap guiding content production.

2. Get the Search Intent Right

Next, understand the searcher’s intent: 

  • Why are they researching this topic? 
  • What kind of information do they need? 
  • Is their goal informational (seeking knowledge)?
  • Is their goal investigational (making comparisons)?
  • Is their goal navigational (seeking a specific website)?
  • Is their goal transactional (aiming to make a purchase)?

By crafting blog posts around user needs, your content aligns better with user intent, enhancing its chances of ranking higher.

3. Create Quality Content

Creating quality content is non-negotiable in optimizing blogs for SEO. A well-researched, insightful article has better odds of attracting organic traffic than a hastily put-together piece. 

Ensure proper grammar and spelling while using short sentences for readability. Also, breaking down complex concepts into understandable language boosts reader engagement.

4. Do On-Page SEO

On-page SEO ensures each blog post is fully optimized for targeted keywords by placing them strategically within headings, meta-descriptions, URLs, and body text without keyword stuffing—the artless overuse of keywords (which Google penalizes rather harshly).

5. Make Your Blog Easy to Read

Ensure all content is easy to read by keeping paragraphs short and subdividing sections into headers and subheaders (H1, H2, H3 tags, etc.), incorporating bullet points where necessary and italicizing or bold-faced emphasis selectively as needed—but don’t overdo it.

6. Monitor Technical SEO Issues

Neglecting technical SEO details can undermine other successful efforts, which can be easily avoided by regularly checking for issues like mobile unfriendliness, slow page speeds, duplicate content, or broken links.

7. Build Backlinks

Nothing screams ‘credibility’ in SEO quite like authoritative backlinks–other websites vouching for yours by linking back from their platforms—a glowing endorsement that raises your site’s authority among competitors in the same domain or field. As a good rule of thumb, ensure backlinks are from credible sources with sustainable organic traffic levels.

8. Update Older Content

Regularly update older blog posts to keep them fresh and relevant, encouraging repeat visits and assuring new visitors you’re up-to-date.

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List of benefits of blogging for SEO, including increasing website traffic, improving search engine rankings, and building brand awareness.

Best Practices for Blogging and SEO

In making the most out of blogging, following best practices is essential. 

Below are basic strategies you should pay attention to when you’re launching your blog.

1. Use Relevant Keywords in Titles and Headings

Keyword usage stands at the forefront of SEO blogging. To push this further, sprinkle these keywords within your titles and subheadings. Doing so helps search engines comprehend your content better and enhances readability for users.

Using keywords isn’t a matter of random placement, though a strategic approach is necessary. Consider terms to match user intent and place them into key areas such as:

  • Title tags: Where possible, incorporate the primary keyword here
  • Headers: H2 or H3 tags are ideal spots for secondary keywords
  • Meta descriptions: Not crucial for rankings, these can help

However, restrain yourself from keyword stuffing—it can backfire!

2. Use Internal Links to Connect Related Posts

Internal linking represents another pivotal part of search engine optimization. Why? They help distribute page authority throughout your site—a factor used by Google to rank content.

Some pointers include:

  • Keep internal links relevant: Have an article about ‘SEO tips’? It deserves its link in a ‘Beginner’s Guide to Blogging.’’
  • Optimal numbers vary: Avoid overwhelming visitors with too many links; keep things smooth.

3. Include Multimedia Elements (Videos, Images, etc.)

Multimedia elements add flair to blogs while increasing engagement levels—a vital metric for site performance (they are also beneficial for visual learners).

To optimize multimedia components:

  • Always provide alt text descriptions
  • Stick to relevant images/videos that support the context
  • Compress media files to maintain swift loading times

Remember—visitors would rather leave than wait for slow-loading pages.

4. Use External Links to High Authority Sites

Last yet far from being least is utilizing external links pointing to high-authority sites—the quality of sites you connect defines how well-trusted yours could be! 

For efficiency, ensure outbound links direct readers towards highly authoritative resources.

Improving blog SEO is about more than just writing long articles with the right keywords. It also involves managing links, using multimedia, and spreading keywords throughout your post. Most importantly, be patient—Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Group of people discussing a blog post about SEO strategies and how blogging can help improve SEO.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions surrounding this topic.

How Many Blog Posts Are Good For SEO?

“How many blog posts are good for SEO?” is a common question in blogging and SEO. However, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as different businesses have unique needs and resources.

Research indicates companies that publish blogs get 55% more traffic and have 434% more pages indexed by search engines.

What counts here is consistency. It doesn’t matter if you post once a week or daily — just stick to your schedule.

Nevertheless, it’s not just about quantity; quality matters too. A few high-quality, well-researched articles can be far more effective than numerous poorly-written ones.

How Often Should You Blog For SEO?

Regular blogging boosts visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs). Nevertheless, how frequently should you write new blog posts? Is there a magical number?

Again, there’s yet to be a definitive answer. It depends on factors like:

  1. Your industry
  2. The size of your business
  3. Your goals & objectives

However, research has shown that companies that publish at least 16 blog posts per month generate almost 3.5 times more traffic than those publishing zero to four articles.

Are Short Blog Posts Bad For a Website and SEO?

A commonly asked question is – “Are short blogs harmful to a website and its SEO?” The truth is that length isn’t everything regarding effective content strategy – readability takes precedence over word count; user experience outranks post length.

While long-form content—say around 2000 words—generally ranks higher in SERPs due to increased authority perception, this doesn’t mean short articles lack value:

  1. Shorter blogs can effectively impart information concisely without overwhelming readers – which is essential when tackling complex subjects.
  2. A brief post as an announcement or update may serve better than lengthy “fluff.”
  3. “Short but sweet” also favors mobile users who prefer quick summations.

However, avoid thin content—posts offering little information or detail don’t satisfy user intent, thus yielding lower dwell time and spoiling your SEO health substantially.

Remember this rule of thumb: make sure each article adds value, irrespective of size! Whether long or short, it doesn’t matter—the aim is reader satisfaction while maintaining relevance.

How Many Words Should a Blog Post Be For SEO?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the ideal word count for a blog post will vary depending on the topic, the target audience, and the competition.

However, longer blog posts rank better in search engines than shorter ones.

A study by HubSpot found that blog posts with 2,100-2,400 words typically rank the best in search results. 

Ultimately, the best way to determine the ideal word count for your blog post is to experiment and see what works best for you. If you need help figuring out where to start, try aiming for a minimum of 1,000 words and gradually increase the word count until you see results.

Here are some other factors to consider when determining the word count for your blog post:

  • The topic of your blog post: Some topics are more complex than others and will require more in-depth words to cover. For example, a blog post about the history of the internet will likely need to be longer than a blog post about the best coffee shops in your city.
  • Your target audience: If you’re writing for a technical audience, you’ll need to provide more detail than writing for a general audience.
  • The competition: If there are already a lot of long blog posts on your topic, you may need to write a longer post to compete.

It’s also important to remember that word count is not the only factor that affects SEO. Other factors, such as the quality of your content, the use of keywords, and the number of backlinks you have, also play a role.

So, while the ideal word count for a blog post for SEO will vary, aiming for a minimum of 1,000 words and gradually increasing the word count until you start to see results is an excellent way to improve your chances of ranking well in search engines.


Blogging is a powerful tool that can improve SEO in several ways. By writing high-quality content relevant to your target audience and optimizing your posts for keywords, you can increase your visibility in search results and attract more traffic to your website. 

Additionally, blogging can help build authority, provide value to your customers, and improve your social media efforts.

If you want to improve your SEO, blogging is a great place to start. By following the tips in this article, you can create high-quality blog posts that will help you attract more traffic to your website and improve your rankings in search results.

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Steven is the Co-founder & CEO of TrioSEO. His background is in large-scale blogging where he co-owned 40 websites and helped grow the portfolio to 7-figures within 3 years. Follow him on LinkedIn for daily SEO tips, tricks, and strategies.

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